We are ‘cosily’ settled in the new office at 114 Allied Gebou, Church St. Oudtshoorn – much smaller ,yet we are able to accommodate all we need. We have already had a number of visitors for general needs and some from the office (also situated in Allied Gebou) that handles those on parole from the prison. (They have undertaken to refer to us those in need of spiritual counselling.) We make it clear to each one that we are here for the purpose of telling them of our Saviour’s saving Grace, the powerful deliverer from sin’s domination. A Christian Radio station operating from George will possibly soon be sending, those who respond to their broadcasts, to us for counselling. They have their own prayer group in Oudtshoorn that meets once a week and we are open and ready to accommodate them in our schedule and allow them the use of the Prayer Room for their ministry.
Dear Family and Friends,
Warmest greetings to you all. For some this is the only contact we have in a year so it makes us more aware of the fact that the years fly past and soon we will pass on into the presence of the Lord. In retrospect we say with David in Psalm 108:4 “for your steadfast love is great above the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the clouds” These two aspects of God spoken of here – steadfast love and faithfulness – we have certainly proved through the years. TO GOD BE ALL THE PRAISE You may consider me deranged when I say it is somewhat of an adjustment to live without constant pain, that knew just short periods of relief. Following a motor accident in 1969 I have suffered chronic pain of varying intensity. Have been specially prayed for on various occasions, attended pain control clinics and been treated by various specialists and professors which has only resulted in some lessening of pain for short periods and being told that no more can be done for me. This pain intensified greatly over the last month and I was struggling to do the essential things of life, let alone to tackle and succeed in other matters. Over 40 years of pain had taken its toll and the thought “Just let me disappear, Lord” was a regular recent request.
We thank the Church very much for your generous donation to us received in our Bank Account while we were in East London for the funeral of Selwyn's sister.
Please continue to pray for the prison ministry that the doors will stay open and also about all the red tape. They keep coming up with more and more forms to fill in. The lastest is two pages that mist be filled im for each prisoner he interviews. It is all so time consuming. We were so encouraged to meet up with a man who came to the Lord some years back while he was in prison and to see his bright and smiling face and hear how he is going on with the Lord. Keep praying for the converts that they will remain true. Selwyn and Phyllis "Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth." (Wesley) While recovering from an operation to remove fluid on her lung, Phyllis fell and broke the top of her right arm, damaging the ball and socket joint. This has been very painful and caused much discomfort. She is home and thankful that their daughter in law came and spent time with them for the first week home. Glynnis is now staying with them and is able to help with some of the household chores as well as care for her Mom. Selwyn has had to stop almost all the mission work on order to be at home as a support to Phyllis. Please do pray for them all.
We really praise the Lord for the R1000.00 we received some time back as we have had a lot of extra expenditure Sorry we have taken so long to respond but I have really been struggling to recover from the heart bypass. It is definately not an op for 80 year olds. The problem is my lungs which have not recovered properly - Phlegm in the lungs and liquid under the left lung and as a result I become very breathless at the slightest activity. Wednesday the 26th I am to have a lung Sonar and after that see the Doctor who will then decide if he must put me in hospital again in order to drain off the liquid. We need a lot of prayer at this time as it is quite a strain on us both. I was very encouraged this morning when the first verse that I read said "We put our hope in the Living God."
We are so thrilled to read of how the Lord is blessing the Church. Much love from us both, Selwyn and Phyllis Kettles Dear Peter,
Please convey our sincere thanks to the Church for the money placed in our account during June. This is a very belated thank you as we were away from home and have both had some health concerns for more than a month. Selwyn is still recovering from a fall going up stairs and the a few weeks later a ladder slipped out from under him and infection set in, I am much better after some medication was changed but I had to have an infected cyst cut out the side of my face - it was sent away for investigation and we still await the result. I also have to see a cardiologist in Mossel Bay on 30th July as I have been breathless and the blood pressure has remained high despite all the medication. As you will realise this has caused added medical expense so we were very grateful for this timely gift. The prison work remains difficult with all the regulations and changes but our God is faithful and there are men who continue to respond to the Gospel. It gets frustrating to hold a series of Bible studies as in most sections they will only allow men from one cell to attend and then the next time it may be different men from another cell and so on, Please pray for our health and also for the prison ministry. Thank you Selwyn and Phyllis Kettles We contact many men in the local prison both through the 6 weekly Bible Study classes in different sections and by personal interviews. There is a great hunger for Bibles and Christian literature which we distributeto them. Most of the warders go out of their way to help us as needed. Many of them have shown interest in the things of God and have made after hours appointments with us.
The Prayer Room is a source of blessing to many as they are counselled and prayed for regarding their particular needs and of course the Gospel is made clear to all. There are two scheduled Prayer Meeetings a week. The Industrial Ministry has some 15 workers that reach out to people in the workplace at businesses, shops, factories and the large Taxi Rank where many specially designed CD,s with music and message are distributed - the cost of these is borne by one of lor local D.R. Churches. We do greatly appreciate your prayer support and we pray also for you. We know that there will be a harvest of souls in which we all had a part in their salvation and for whom we will thank God for throughout Eternity. Dear Friends at Claremont,
Thank you so much for your continued support of us and our ministry in Oudtshoorn - your recent donation into our Bank Account is most gratefully received. We hope to be able to keep it aside to help pay the annual premium on our House and Contents policy in May. Please keep praying for us that we will keep close to God and always be at His disposal. We are going to East London for about 2 weeks to visit family and David Kettles(cardiologist) will give us a good check up. Things have been quite difficult at the prison recently with much unrest and fighting but in spite of it all, there are those who have come to the Lord. Many times the Bible Studies could not be held because of the unrest, much to the disappointment of the groups that meet together each week. There are six different groups so it is a grueling schedule. Please pray for health and strength both physically and spiritually. Much love and thank you Selwyn and Phyllis Kettles. |
Selwyn and Phyllis Kettles
Selwyn and Phyllis left East London in 1956 and after studying were married in 1958 and then joined the AEB for 30 years. They then served the Protestant Association for 8 years. During this time they joined CBC. They then moved to Oudtshoorn and started the Prayer and Evangelistic Centre. From here they have developed a community prayer and counseling centre and an exciting outreach into the local prison where many have found a new life through Christ. They are also involved with the Industrial Ministry, taking the gospel to the work place. They are now 78 and 80 respectively and they can say "relying on the faithfulness of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit we are able to keep on serving Him." Archives
August 2014