Greetings again from Zion Illinois. We've reached that time of the year when it is about as cold here as it ever gets in Nelspruit......but we know it's going to get colder !!! Fortunately the WARMTH of the welcome we receive each time we meet with people is a real blessing to us ! We have ALSO reached that point in this trip where we are more than halfway through and as much as we are blessed here, we ARE looking forward to being back in South Africa and Mocambique ! We have had news from Christopher, Gregory and Naomi and ALL IS WELL for which we are truly grateful. While here in the US we have three main goals: 1) To throw out the net for more workers.....and there are signs that God is at work in answering that prayer, 2) To meet with all who pray for us and financially support the work in Mocambique and South Africa and this has been a real treat for see how much this work matters to people HERE is a real encouragement, 3) To raise the additional funds we need for the work next year through the 'MY DAY IN MOCAMBIQUE' challenge where we are inviting anyone, individuals and or groups to cover the support needs for one particular day in Mocambique through 2013, and we have reached 65 % of our goal....for which we truly PRAISE THE LORD. THANK YOU to all who have responded to this 'bite-sized' appeal. This week in the Church we are visiting we are focussing on seeing the God of the IMPOSSIBLE challenging us about PRAYING, GIVING and might want to be a part of the answer to that prayer through supporting ONE DAY of ministry in Mocambique in 2013......35 days still open and we're praying that all these will be sponsored before we get back to South Africa on the 20th November - one month to go - just email us if you would like more info !
We had an amazing meeting with Neal and Jeannie Rendall of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and our ZEMA Executive Director to discuss the challenge of the many amaZioni who are now in the Colleges and Universities around South Africa. Some ZEMA missionaries have already a HUGE OPEN DOOR of ministry but once again....the field is WHITE UNTO HARVEST but the workers are few. Won't you pause even now and just pray a truly GOD SIZED PRAYER that God would use ZEMA in this huge task, EVERY BLESSING.....your prayers are carrying us in an amazing way, Richard and Geraldine The BLOG is found at
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Richard and Geraldine Akers
That the amaZioni people of Mocambique may hear! Archives
August 2014