Pause to pray as we go into uncharted places. Some time back you might remember that we invited people to pray for one of the 140 districts of Mocambique, that the Lord would open doors for ministry among the amaZioni all over Mocambique. We also invited people to contribute financially to help us to get to some of these places. Well, MANY PRAYED and many are still praying and that really is a blessing. SOME GAVE, and this next visit is dedicated to taking what has been given and GOING TO THOSE DISTRICTS to seek to make contact with new Zion congregations. NORMALLY over the past 12 years of visiting in Mocambique, we have gone where we have been invited; in other words, we always arrive where people are expecting us. THIS VISIT we are simply taking our Bibles and some books prepared for this kind of contact, going to the DISTRICTS where donors have been 'praying and giving funds' and 'arriving unannounced' to break open new fields.
We're going to be relying that God has ahead of time prepared 'men of peace' (Luke 10:6) with whom we can make contact and through them minister into their villages with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. We can do this because YOU have been praying or giving (or both) but NOW we're asking for a little bit of a rise in prayer on our behalf:
We'd really appreciate it in the next two weeks: as you 'pause', won't you 'PRAY' ! THEN, just when we thought we were busy enough, the ZEMA Board have invited us to attend and speak at the annual ZEMA Banquet which takes place in November. We will be in the USA then from 16th October to 4 November which includes 3 Sundays and the two weeks in between. We will try to cram as much as we can into that short visit and so if there is any way we could come and share in your home or at your Church about all that God is doing through ZEMA, please let us know and we will schedule a visit. Every Blessing, Richard and Geraldine
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Richard and Geraldine Akers
That the amaZioni people of Mocambique may hear! Archives
August 2014