Dear all our wonderful friends and family,
We have now reached the end of October and the Guinea Field Service is going well. Murray has had a busy last few weeks, with his supervisor being in the UK for a while. He has been the only one in the Purser's office - usually there are two - and has had an interesting, challenging time. Guinea has been quite challenging in terms of immigration and customs, and Murray has had to deal with many issues. There have also been three cancelled or postponed flights over the last week, which has meant a lot of work organising airport runs for both arrivals and departures. But throughout the time God has been good and everything has come together nicely over the last few weeks.
Murray and Candace Crawford
Murray joined the Africa Mercy 3 years ago - first for one year and then for a longer term. This has enabled him to fulfill two of his desires - to make Jesus known to those in need and to be at sea on board ship. He loves servicing Christ. On 4 March 2012 he married Candace Miller whom he met on board and they will continue to serve the Lord together. Archives
December 2013