Greetings friends,
We trust that you are all well and had a blessed time over the Easter holidays. Since we last wrote, Candace and Murray had a lovely week showing Candace's parents and sister around Cape Town. We have also submitted round one of our US spousal visa application to the United States Citizen and Immigration Service. (U.S.C.I.S.) This is currently in the initial review stage. This process could take longer than two months to be accepted - so we're very much in a waiting stage at the moment. We have most of our paperwork ready for round two of the process, with the exception of Murray's unabridged birth certificate which we are still waiting for from the Department of Home Affairs in Pretoria. Murray has also applied for his police clearance certificate from the South African Police Service. This also needs to go through Pretoria and therefore may take two to three months to get back. It seems every important document has to go through Pretoria - which makes sense since Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa.
Murray and Candace Crawford
Murray joined the Africa Mercy 3 years ago - first for one year and then for a longer term. This has enabled him to fulfill two of his desires - to make Jesus known to those in need and to be at sea on board ship. He loves servicing Christ. On 4 March 2012 he married Candace Miller whom he met on board and they will continue to serve the Lord together. Archives
December 2013