I begin this update on this the last day of February with a quotation by Henry Martyn – missionary to India some decades ago. He said : “ Let me labour for 50 years amidst scorn and never see one soul converted … the Lord Jesus who controls all events is my Friend, my Master, my God, my All. “ On reading this it is obvious that he embarked upon his work with his eyes wide open to the possibility of not seeing the success he hoped and longed for. His life and ministry was characterized by grit, determination and perserverance. He stuck to his task – knowing it is the Lord and Him alone who can save, heal, deliver and transform.
Jai Masihki!! Praise the Lord. Summer is finally bidding us farewell as the colder weather slowly sets in. It has been an unusually extended summer. We were beginning to think that winter was not coming this year, but to our relief – it has come. And what a difference! At present the temperature is down to between 15 and 20 degrees – compared to between 40 and 50 degrees a few weeks ago. We are reminded that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. So welcome winter!!
Greetings from a hot and humid north India. Summer is showing a real resistance to go as humidity levels hover around the 95 to 100 % mark. It is “ terribly “ humid and one wonders when it’s going to come to an end. Life is unbearable and most uncomfortable for most of the time. It’s best to remain indoors and to venture out only after sunset. Our Lord’s words “ Be wise as serpents …” takes on a new perspective. Anyway, we thank God that every day of the year is not hot, humid and sticky.
With summer in full swing here in India and with temperatures soaring to new heights - we are becoming familiar with the following headlines :" Killer heat claims more than 520 lives in Andhra Pradesh " - " Heat wave grips north India " - " No respite from the killer heat. " Yesterday it was reported on TV that 192 people died in Andhra Pradesh due to the killer heat. Imagine 192 on one day !!! We are struggling to come to terms with the intense heat and the accompanying humidity at present. Our only respite is the fact that winter is only 5 months away !!
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our time in South Africa is fast coming to a close. We are scheduled to return to India on the 12th May. We have a few more speaking engagements in Cape Town where we are at present. We have enjoyed our deputation programme and we have much to be grateful for as we traveled far and wide. I recently saw a poster outside a church which read as follows : “ Plan ahead for 2013 – It was not raining when Noah built the ark. “ Makes you think doesn't it ? People at that time went about their lives as usual – life went on as usual – it was business as usual. The warning signs were there – but no one heeded. And then came the flood… So in this first edition of our update for 2013 – I trust that you will plan ahead, look upward and move forward. God has great things in store for you and for us as we work our way into 2013.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We marvel at how the year 2012 has flown by. It seems like only yesterday we celebrated the dawn of a new year. It’s true as one said : “ Time and tide wait for no man. “ By the grace of God we have come a long, long way in our challenge to reach the LAST, the LEAST and the LOST. We can truly say with Samuel of old : “ Thus far the Lord has helped us. “ Winter is slowly creeping in as the days grow shorter and nights longer. There has been a significant drop in temperatures especially at night and in the morning. It’s a welcome relief from the the intense heat and humidity of the past 5 months. We are saying ‘ dhanyavad Yeshu, dhanyavad Yeshu … ( thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus. ) We know that we are in for a very, very cold winter - thus sayeth the experts. But for the moment we are exulting in the lovely cool days.
Summer is making a last ditch stand here as we continue to grapple with late summer temperatures averaging between 30 and 35 degrees on a daily basis. The humidity level is another story – dangerously between 90 and 100%.
By the grace of God we are learning to live one day at a time. Winter may be just around the corner – but it seems to be delayed corner. |
Ed and Vivienne MosesArchives
February 2014