Dear Friends,
Greetings to you all in our wonderful Saviour’s Name. As we will soon be celebrating the miraculous birth of our Saviour, let us ponder on His name. Matthew 1 v 21 says: You are to give Him the name “Jesus” because He will save His people from their sins, and in verse 23 it says: They will call Him “Immanuel” which means God with us. We marvel again that God sent Jesus into the world as a baby to be our “Immanuel.” We know later that Jesus died on the cross to show His unfailing love to each of us and by redeeming us from all our sins. We as believers can rejoice in our full redemption and live in hope of heaven where we will see Jesus face to face, in His glory, when that day dawns.
Brian and Lorraine MilnerAfter both completing their studies at the Bible Institute, Kalk Bay, Brian & Lorraine joined Africa Evangelical Fellowship in 1974. They ministered for 11 years in the Christian Ministry to Miners. Then they had a short time in Child Evangelism Fellowship and went on to minister in Scripture Union for 13 years. After that they returned to AEF at the time that it merged with SIM. They served in the SIM (Serving in Mission) sending office for 6 years and then God called them to start a media ministry, with SIM Ethnic Focus, producing DVD media for outreach and teaching purposes. They have produced media for adults, adolescents and older children up to now. Their next project which they are developing is outreach and teaching for young children. They plan to use puppets telling the Gospel lessons. They will be filming an accomplished puppeteer and children's worker. Archives
December 2013